““We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.””
My personal commitment to supporting my community includes:
-Wish Granter, fundraiser, volunteer interviewer, task force member, and special projects lead, Make A Wish Illinois
Named Volunteer of the Month, May 2017
Led Giving Tuesday Fundraiser with the highest results 2018
Rebranding task force on customer journey 2018
-Board Member, Mary Crane Centers Chicago
The Mary Crane Center promotes the comprehensive early development of children through school-readiness programs, personal enrichment activities, and family support services.
-Mentoring University of Illinois at Champaign Business School students
-Recognized by Crazy Good Turns podcast by Frank Blake for impactful volunteerism
-Mentor for LinkedIn and Ivy Execs
-Supporting the career-planning needs of students, veterans and first-responders, pro bono
-Tutoring as part of after-school programs for at-risk students at Hope Center Omaha
-Animal adoption, foster family and volunteer for the Humane Society
-Leading the effort to teach reading to inner-city students via Time to Read, Los Angeles
-Leading after-school programs to support Competitive Speech at both the high school and collegiate level
-Volunteer at ALS, MS, Breast Cancer, and Make a Wish fundraising events
-Volunteer and mentor at Curt's Cafe, Evanston, IL helping to develop career paths and ongoing support for at risk teens
-Business and retail mentor at Ivy Execs and Harvard Business Review Advisory Council
-Election Judge and Technology Supervisor, Cook County Board of Elections